Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blah, blah... Nothing much. Just your good ol' typical whimpering.

Scorching hot day!!

The summer heat is definitely on. Out-of-town sorties, bikini-clad gals and their beach parties, hunks in their trunks, the sea, the shades, the flip-flops, flippers and havaianas, the bods and curves and the Coppertones... all symbols of that season that presents a thousand and one spending options for the privileged, while posing an object of envy for the deprived. Reality sucks, as you can see.

Well, for the onlooker, indoor is the way to go and home is where it's at. Doesn't make any difference what the season is. And, with another full-time work about to start, daily routine is in trouble of getting mechanical. Work... home... work... home... those dots sure have to represent some extra-curriculars if the onlooker is to preserve his sanity.

On the other hand, no worries. Think salary. Good salary.

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